Promisance Guide
[Return to Contents]News Search
Events which happen to your empire are reported on your Empire Summary page; events which happen to others can be found at this location. Here you can search for events perpetrated by or targetted at a specific empire or clan.
- Search by
- This allows you to specify whether the criteria selected below should be filtered as the attacker, defender, or either.
- Empire ID
- Specify an empire number here to list events involving that empire. If left blank, all recent events will be listed.
- Clan
- Select a clan tag here to list events involving empires when they were in a particular clan. Even if an empire leaves one clan (and optionally joins another one), its clan at the time of the event will be listed.
Events are sorted descending by the date on which they happened. A maximum of 100 events will be listed in any search.
QM Promisance v4.9 Beta
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QMT ProductionsView Credits
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