Promisance Guide
[Return to Contents]Casting Spells
From here, your Wizards can spend Mana and turns to cast spells, either on your own empire or on your enemies.
Spells cannot be cast if your empire's health is below 20%. Casting an offensive spell reduces health by 4%.
If your empire's magic power is not great enough, high level spells will result in a magical explosion and kill some of your Wizards.
Offensive Spells
- Crystal Ball
- If successful, this will allow you to see the vital statistics of your target's empire, just as is shown on your Main Page.
- Fireball
- If successful, this will eliminate 3% of your enemy's military and magical forces. If your target has an active Spell Shield, only 1% will be destroyed.
- Storms
- If successful, this will destroy a percentage of your target's Money and Grains. If shielded, it will only be 33% as effective.
- Lightning Strike
- If successful, this will destroy a percentage of your target's Mana, limiting the ability of their Wizards to cast spells. If shielded, it will only be 33% as effective.
- Wrath of Demons
- If successful, this will destroy 3% of your enemy's structures. If your target has an active Spell Shield, only 1% will be destroyed.
- Magic User Fight
- This spell will allow your Wizards to battle with your target's magic users. Successful attacks will steal approximately 33% as much land as a standard military attack.
- Embezzlement
- If successful, this will allow you to steal Money from your target empire's treasury. If shielded, it will only be 33% as effective.
Defensive Spells
- Spell Shield
- This will allow you to partially protect your empire from magical attacks from other empires. Casting once will protect your empire for 12 hours, and each additional cast will extend it by 3 hours. If your empire has less than 9 hours of protection remaining, it will automatically be renewed to 12 hours.
- Cornucopia
- This spell will create an amount of Grains to feed your citizens and army, the amount being proportional to the size of your empire and the number of Wizards at your disposal.
- Tree of Gold
- This spell will create Money to fund your empire, the amount being proportional to the size of your empire and the number of Wizards at your disposal.
- Open Time Gate
- This spell will open a Time Gate, allowing your empire to attack other empires in any time period. Casting once will open the gate for 12 hours, and each additional cast will extend it by 3 hours. If your empire's gate has less than 9 hours remaining, it will automatically be renewed to 12 hours.
- Close Time Gate
- If your empire currently has an open Time Gate, this spell will close it, protecting your empire from attacks by other empires in different time periods (unless they themselves have open time gates).
- Advance to Present
- This spell advances your empire from its current era to the next one (if such an era exists). At least 500 turns must be spent in your current era before you may cast this spell.
- Regress
- This spell regresses your empire from its current era to the previous one (if such an era exists). At least 500 turns must be spent in your current era before you may cast this spell.
QM Promisance v4.9 Beta
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