Promisance Guide

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As leader of a newly founded empire, your goal is to become supreme to all others. Using everything from diplomacy to war, you must strive to build an empire wealthier than all others. Through this all, you will compete against anywhere from hundreds to thousands of other players, all aiming to achieve the same goals.

About Turn-Based Games

QM Promisance is a turn-based game - that is, there is a limit to how often your empire can advance itself or interact with others.

In QM Promisance Beta, you receive 50 of these turns every 10 minutes. You can only accumulate 1000 turns at once - if you receive more, they will go into your Stored Turns, of which you may have up to 100; every time you receive additional turns, 1 of your stored turns will be released for you to use.

All of the actions listed in the "Use Turns" section of the side menu will consume a variable number of turns when you perform them - the Cash, Farm, and Explore options allow you to specify how much time to spend, while Build and Demolish consume turns based on how quickly your empire can perform these actions.

Attacking an empire, sending aid, or casting a spell (whether on yourself or on another empire) consumes 2 turns.

Other actions, such as participating in the private or public market, joining or managing a clan, managing your empire, or sending messages to other empires, do not consume any turns.

Each time you take a turn, your empire will collect taxes from its citizens and harvest food. Tax revenue will then be spent maintaining your empire and its military, and food will be used to feed your population. Be careful to not run out of money or food - while the World Bank can help you with the former, the latter can have disastrous results.

When your empire is first created, it is placed under protection so that other empires cannot harm it during its initial stages of development. During this period of protection, your empire also may not attack others, send foreign aid, or participate on the Public Market. Once you have used 100 turns, protection will be lifted and your empire will be exposed to the rest of the world. Once the end of the round draws near, however, this protection will be removed.

The Status Bar

At the top and bottom of every page is your Status Bar. This allows you to quickly check the crucial statistics of your empire:

A shortcut link to Your Mailbox - the text of this link will change to "New Mail!" if you have unread messages waiting.
How many turns you have available to use.
The amount of money your empire has on hand, not counting any funds you may have stored in the World Bank.
The current size of your empire.
The amount of energy your empire's Wizards have available for casting spells.
The amount of food your empire has stockpiled.
The health and happiness of your empire's citizens and army.
The estimated value of your empire, taking all significant assets into account.

QM Promisance v4.9 Beta
Copyright © 2001-2014 QMT Productions
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