Top Scores Listing

Empires Created: 222
Survivors: 12
Casualties or Neglected: 73 + 137
Color Key: Protected - Administrator
Rank Empire Player Land Networth Clan Race Era Attacks Defends Kills
1 Bellator (#1,036) Sevz (#159) 195,792 $424,998,525,586 Ninja Gnome Past 302 (100%) 41 (0%) 3
2 troll (#1,043) Willow (#362) 45,993 $15,031,660,905 None Drow Present 105 (97%) 100 (57%) 0
3 GrimNinja (#976) Sevz (#159) 2,714,860 $13,103,376,824 one Goblin Future 1626 (99%) 885 (2%) 3
4 Alpha Beta (#927) Sevz (#159) 462,236 $11,960,654,856 Ninja Drow Past 2383 (99%) 1524 (6%) 3
5 One (#991) Cronus (#293) 95,542 $11,012,773,059 Two Orc Future 10 (100%) 1337 (0%) 0
6 Three (#993) Cronus (#293) 367,819 $7,198,285,107 Two Drow Future 949 (100%) 10 (0%) 0
7 Two (#992) Cronus (#293) 63,088 $2,385,330,731 Two Goblin Future 744 (100%) 366 (0%) 0
8 1 (#1,072) Zion (#6) 261,040 $1,668,286,136 none Elf Past 173 (97%) 0 (0%) 0
9 3 (#1,074) Zion (#6) 42,524 $88,159,638 none Gnome Past 200 (99%) 173 (3%) 0
10 2 (#1,073) Zion (#6) 45,059 $61,634,714 none Gremlin Past 0 (0%) 200 (1%) 0
11 Quietust (Admin) (#854) Quietust (#1) 25,000 $22,264,944 None Human Future 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1
12 Turok-Han (#985) TheDoctor (#365) 30,289 $5,753,504 None Orc Future 3 (33%) 0 (0%) 0
Rank Empire Player Land Networth Clan Race Era Attacks Defends Kills

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